Second Life TAPIRAPÉ Tribe

The Second Life Tapirapé OOC Photo Blog

Tag: Whispering Wind (Page 1 of 2)

Día de los Muertos Story Hour

Today we had Día de los Muertos story hour in the camp, with a lot of good stories, both sweet, funny and scary.

Diana of the Xoco tells the first story

A girl came to my clinic the other day,  
 thinking that she might be with child. 
 I scanned her,  and as we waited for the scanner to run 
 she told me of a ghost near her camp.  
 Her story moved me so I wrote it down, and here it is.

The shortcut through the planted field

   is tempting as I go

 The drifting clouds the moon conceal,

   I cannot wander slow

The corn stands high above my head

    the path I chose is muddy

 It grows in rows without an end

    and in the dark I hurry

I look around, I might be blind 

    as down the path I hustle

 The air is still,  there is no wind

    so why do cornstalks rustle?

I feel a presence close to me

    the noise is all around 

 Try as I might I cannot see

   the reason for the sound

I’m running like a frightened cat

   I cannot see the cause

 It’s first on this hand then on that

   I run without a pause

My heart is racing as I fly

   towards our campfires’ shelter

 I fear although I know not why

   I tumble helter skelter

I reach the camp, I’m safe at last

   amid familiar friends

 I look around, for breath I gasp

   as panic slowly ends

The morning comes,  the sun gives light 

   of ever changing hue

 the cornfield’s calm, and all in sight

    Is glistening with the dew

I feel my fathers’  loving arm 

    across my shoulders fall 

 I lean towards him,  safe from harm

    He’s warm and strong and tall.

“My grandfather is buried here ” 

   he says and takes my hand

 ” he led our tribe against a foe

   who tried to steal our land “

He led the charge that turned the day

    and when the foe was gone

 we found him bleeding, weak and grey

    his life was almost done “

“he gazed upon our sacred land 

   and with his fading will

 he reached out with his failing hand

    ‘I shall protect you still’  “

“We laid him deep beneath the ground

    we laid him  where he fell

 We laid him with his feathered crown

    and spear and shield as well “

“He gave his life to save us all

   He died so you might live

 and once you’ve served this noble call

    there’s nothing more to give “

“We planted corn upon his grave

   according to his will

 and when we hear the cornstalks move

    we know he’s with us still “

Hand in hand we trod the path 

   that led to home and peace

 and settled by our welcome hearth

    remembered sacrifice.

So sometimes when the day is done 

   and darkness floods the sky

 I hear a rustling in the corn

    and know the reason why

Catten tells the Story of Ek’Paal

Clears throat, sits down, and looks into the fire, saying with a low voice, “This story I will tell you all is not a ghost story, and it is not a scary story to tell as amusement when it gets dark, No, it’s a cautionary tale about ancient evils, that roam the night here in the jungle”.

Click here to read the rest of the story….

Many gathered to listen
Aisha tells the story of the First Strawberry

Smiles at everyone around and says “I’d like to share a story that my late mother used to tell me before she tucked me in at night. As some of you might know, she was killed by my father’s tribe when I was still young. By sharing this story, I am hoping I can have her memory to stay with me and share it with you and to show how wise of a woman she was.. This is the story about the first strawberry”

Click here to read the rest of the story….

Mefisto tells the story of Mephistopheles

He clarifies his voice “Goethe, I never imagine that after writing Fausto his demon Mephistofeles will stay among humans learning from his fears” laughs

Click here to read the rest of the story….

Whisper tells the story of Bobble and Kvita

Clear throat and starts *Once upon a time in the heart of the Amazon Jungle, there lived two tribal elders… Let’s call them, Bobble and Kvita… Bobble was an old fearless warrior, renowned for his unmatched trading skills and survival instincts. Kvita, on the other hand, was known for her beauty and her compassion towards everyone

Click here to read the rest of the story…

Whispering Wind
Khaing tells the story of the Evil Priestess

Gives a small coughs and takes a sip of rum from her hip flask

A few miles outside the village there stood a ruined temple in a dark hollow of the rainforest overhung with dense foliage, which had a reputation for being haunted, because anyone who entered it was later found dead with all their bones broken

One late afternoon as the sun had turned deep orange and sparkled between the trees as it began to sink, a young girl from the village who had a bad reputation for drinking, was feeling really annoyed as she could not find a quiet spot where she could drink her rum in peace. So she went to the ruined temple and sat enjoying her drink.

‘Now the drama begins…’ licks her lips and grins

With loud footsteps a large fat priestess entered and asked the drunkard whether she could wrestle. The girl was surprised and annoyed as her drinking was being disturbed.

Of course, anyone who loves rum will of course understand her frustration,

‘Oh! Of course I can priestess’, she answered with a sullen look.

‘Come and wrestle with me then’, invited the smirking priestess with her sibilant snake-like voice. So the nervous girl and the slippery priestess wrestled.

Although the girl used all the tricks of wrestling she had learned at the village school, it was all to no avail, for the Priestess’s body was as soft as a sack of grass and as slippery as an eel. Although the girl was gasping, puffing and blowing, the priestess was 

Glares at Diana, then pauses for dramatic effect, and says in a hushed voice with a smile on her lips, ‘A spirit…just think of it my friends and sisters – a slimy, grinning, grotesque spirit!!’

At last the girl was caught in a vice-like grip and her body was being banged against the floor repeatedly by the smirking priestess. In desperation the girl reached our her trembling hands and gripped the hair of the priestess and…. to her great surprise she felt a leather cap on the head of the priestess that she just couldn’t see. With widening eyes it seemed totally invisible to the naked eye.

She quickly snatched away the cap. At once the priestess let go her hold and in a pleading tone begged humbly for the return of her cap. ‘Why should I?’, answered the girl in growing confidence, realising that the spirit seemed to be in her power. ‘I have been needing a leather cap for a long time’.

‘Girl, groaned the priestess stretching out her hands, ‘but the cap is a vanishing cap which all spirits possess. Without it we can’t disappear. And when a human snatches it away from one of us, we are unable to snatch it back. We have to wait until it is freely returned to us.’

‘Haha!’ Laughed the triumphant girl, ’thank you for the information. Now I can take you home with me and make you fetch rum for me for three years. Then I’ll give you back your cap as payment for faithful service.’ But the spirit was in no mood for joking and pleaded with the girl to return the cap. Grovelling on the ground in front of her

In the end, the spirit in desperation told the girl that there were seven pots of gold buried underneath the stairs of the temple. ‘Now pleasee return me my cap and you can dig up the pots later.’

‘Dig them up yourself’, said the girl. So the poor spirit had to dig up the pots. ‘Now carry them and follow me’, ordered the girl and the poor spirit had to do what she was told. But when they approached the village the girl realised that the tribe’s villagers would come out and beat her if they should see her making a priestess carrying her heavy baggage. ‘I will have to have to explain that it’s a spirit and not a real priestess’, thought the girl, ‘then all the villagers will come to my house to ask me questions and they won’t allow me to drink my rum in peace’

So, turning to the spirit she said, ‘All right spirit. Thank you and goodbye. Here is your cap.’ The spirit took the cap and vanished at once.

The girl became very rich and was made chieftess of the tribe and lived in great luxury as most chieftess do, except me, as I am too humble to wallow in gold, as most of you will know!

Everyone listening to stories

I was told that there were even more stories afterwards! Thank you all for coming.

Naked Wednesday – Telling a Story

This Wednesday we had a small event in camp. First we had our traditional bath, and then we created a story togther.

The story got a bit too strange to make sense, but it involved seekers, a police officer and a golden fertility corncob..

Naked Wednesday – Meet the Gods 2

This Wednesday people went to Wind Temple to pray to the gods after the ritual bath.

The crow awaits the gods

There was a lot of praying and a lot of response from the gods at wind temple

Naked Wednesday in Tapirape! But this time it’s more breezy

One of the oldest tribe in Amazon: Tapirape held a fun event last week. Tapirape, used to make naked dances on Wednesdays and last time they also get together to make their wishes to the God of Storm.

The way this tradition started is quite interesting. It all started one day when a troublesome Seeker came to the Tapirape camp. She made fun of the tribe and mocked them. Therefore, the tribe members couldn’t stand with this situation and started to chase the Seeker. After chasing for a while they cornered her. But then, something really horrible happened. She said that if they don’t let her go she would go to Monks and tell them to curse their tribe and curse their goats! Then they promised not to touch her. She told them to stay naked for a month to avoid having their livestocks killed. And they were compelled to accept this offer. Eventually, to ensure the welfare of their animals it was decided to continue naked ritual once a week and to dedicate the day to the Gods and the Seekers… It was the birth of a tradition. A tradition established in the name of peace.

Last wednesday they firstly gathered in the camp to perform this tradition again. Together they went down to the river, washed their bodies and cleansed themselves from dirts. Shaman Whispering told they will visit God of Storms Chaahk and asked their participants to prepare a wish. Then, when the participants got more crowded, they came to the top of the temple to meet Chaahk. Shaman knelt before the God, showed her respect, and made a wish. But God’s response was fast and more aggressive than they expected. Before they could understand what is happening, a lightning bolt struck them, and a large tornado came and blew up the entire crowd. Participants were screaming, trying to hold on to each other. And they were thrown all around. But yet they still came back to God again.
I don’t think Shaman made the God angry cause afterwards other people made their wishes too and respond was only same. Wishes were like ”Longevity and health for Tapirape tribe”, ”Golds and Pearls”, ”Curse the land and all of the people in it”, ”More cocks” and other humble wishes like these. After flying around for a while, like they never get tired; they did gather around the fire and danced to celebrate the day.

I think this is the language of the Gods. Being a ‘little’ violent. Maybe God of Storms might trying to say ”Okay, count it done.” Who knows? Watching the flow of time left to us and seeing if wishes really come true. Although it was a ‘shaky’ event, it was quite entertaining, instructive and hot. And I’m not hesitate to call this ritual ”The Joy of Amazon”.

Article from Morgana of the Amazon News Paper

Jonas, Eastonia and Kai

Today was the blessing for Jonas and Eastonia’s Baby, Kai at the Tapirapé tribe.

Bubba blesses the child

Bubba Oh: “Natives! Welcome!”

Bubba Oh: “Today we are gathered to honor our river mother Mama Cocha and the blessings she brings us!”

Bubba Oh: looks around

Bubba Oh: “The Amazon river is a mighty river!”

Bubba Oh: “But is is made of many smalle rivers!”

Bubba Oh: “So it is with us natives – we are Juritos, Xocos and Tapirapé – each a small tribe, that makes up the mighty Amazon Native!”

Bubba Oh: By the grace of our river mother Mama Cocha – who is here amongs us!” points to the statue

Bubba Oh: “Two rivers have joined into one today!”

Bubba Oh: Squints at his paper “Eastonia of the Xocos”… Looks up “And my tribal brother Jonas have joined their rivers”

ɛąʂɬơŋıą clears throat.. “no, Jurito” smiles

Bubba Oh: “Mama Cocha has smiles upon them and given them a child!”

Whispering Wind shkaes head… of the jurito not xocos,  Bubba*tss tss

ɛąʂɬơŋıą giggles

Silvia: chuckles and eyes Bubba… no worries is teh age that finally catches you

Bubba Oh: *coughs* “Eastonia og the Juritos!!”

Jonas Daviau rolls his eyes biting his lips to avoid to laugh

Whispering Wind: try keep a serious face  with immense effort

Bubba Oh: Continues with out a hitch “We shall bless this child today and welcome him into our tribes!”

Bubba Oh: “From many tribes one!”

Bubba Oh: walks to the child and places his hand upon it forehead

Bubba Oh: “As an Elder of the Tapirapé I bless you child in the name of Mama Cocha! And by the power for my tribal brothers and sisters! Welcome to our tribes!”

Bubba Oh: “May you be a strong hunter, a fervent gatherer and a fisherman in the rivers of Mama Cocha!”

Naked Wednesday – Creating a Story

Wednesday, the Tapi once again invited everyone to participate in the Naked Wednesday ritual. It’s a ritual where the tribe honors the gods that created them and the seekers that roam the jungle naked…

The ritual was opened with a speech by the Tapirapé Oldest of Elders, Bubba. A long but interesting speech about the gods and how to stay forever young.

Bubba’s Speech

Then the Tapi Shaman, Whispering Wind, spoke to everyone about how stories are a way to preserve our heritage and share knowledge of the gods.

Whisper’s Prayer

Finally Elder Catten invited everyone to help create an epic story, by contributing each paragraph to it. It turned out that great art can be created that way, and the story the crowd created were nothing short of a literary masterpiece.

A young beautiful woman crashed her plane but luckily, she escapes the wreckage and looks around in the dark jungle… Suddenly she hears a roar and something moves in the tall grass behind her.

A terrible jaguar comes out from the bushes. The poor, lonely and frightened woman is paralyzed by the presence of this ferocious beast! She can’t breathe or run away. She faintly shouts “Help! help me! I’m desperate there is a jaguar” the woman looks around her, but no one comes to her rescue.

The jaguar seems mean and big… but it’s not hungry, so it doesn’t attack the Woman. She thanks the gods and feels lucky to have the chance to go on living. She understands the importance of her life, and decides to improve her life for the gods, who saved her.

At this point a small man comes out of the trees with a small bow and small arrows but a huge cock. He hits the Jaguar and says: now you are mine!!!

As the man heads towards the female, he makes his shoulder broad and shows off his stride, turning to the female “I shall take you to be my bride, I may be small, but I am very mighty!” nodding his head down towards his cock, smiling…

The man approached, but the woman wasn’t stupid – she knew what a huge cock signified…  a small brain. She smiled at him, winked at him, wiggled her boobs for him. Then she kneed him in the groin and tried to make her escape….”

Suddenly the jungle opened and behind the trees, naked women appeared, shaking their breasts, and rubbing their pussies until they spread drops and drops of their juices around, laughing and moaning loud… The jaguar wakes up, shocked seeing this and looks around as the group of women retreats back into the jungle.

The Jaguar looks around hungry, and then it eyes the man’s cock thinking it is a big sausage… The woman, observing the jaguar, think it’s a waste being eaten, and she prepares to take action….

She resolutely grabbed his cock, rubbed it to make it grow, and then she hit the jaguar with it, and the poor jaguar got hurt bad… again…

The woman drops the man’s cock, as her thoughts suddenly go dark… drifting back to a time in her life where she was almost dominated over… made a slave… and now here she stands before two alpha males… both competing for her…

In a furry of rage, she takes out her dagger and thrusts it deep into the man’s chest first…. Her eyes are on fire, and she rips the dagger out and plunges it into the jaguar, sinking it in deep, through muscle and bone. Once more she rips out the dagger as both fall bleeding. She stands up… a slow small smile appears on her twisted lips, as she retreats into the jungle… whistling kumbaya.

People taking turn telling a part of the story

The Tapi would like to thank everyone for coming to naked Wednesday, and a special thanks to the co-creators of the story:

  • Giovanni
  • Arcano Kabila
  • Whispering Wind
  • Belleniko
  • Catten Carter
  • ησνα
  • Sunisa Minoptra
  • Anette CapriHorn
  • Mefisto313
  • Leona
  • Dℑ Miкe Mixemup

Naked Wednesday – Inti Celebration

Naked Wednesday was in honour of inti this time. We all met in the beautiful cave, Summer had decorated for the event. 

People gather at the temple

Once everyone had settled, it was time to get our hair painted in the red colour of the sun. 

After most had their hair coloured red, it was time for a series of rituals. Atan said a prayer and then Summer and Whisper put Bubba’s wedding bowl together again so he could remarry. 

Belleniko entertained with stories of Bubba’s marriage before we head to the Xoco sacred circle to continue the celebration.

Thank you everyone for participating!

Naked Wednesday – The New Year Ritual

This Wednesday we had a new year ritual. It was a lot of fun for everyone, except the poor goat! 

The Shaman dances for the goat before the ritual
Bubba gives a very profound speech.

Bubba Oh: “My Tapi Family!”
Bubba Oh: “Friends!”
Bubba Oh: “Citizens of the jungle!”
Bubba Oh: “Carnival is soon upon us! And Carnival brings the new year.”
Bubba Oh: “It has always been a Tapirapé custom to greet the new year, and honor the Gods with a sacrifice”
Bubba Oh: “To give thanks for our prosperity and to ensure the Gods favor for the comming year”
Bubba Oh: “We Tapi are obedient to the Gods, andd we have always honored them and their Seeker daughters”
Bubba Oh: “Today we offer up the healthy and well groomed goat!”
Bubba Oh: “May its strong loins please Mama Allpa!”
Bubba Oh: “May it’s well kept fur please Mama Cocha!”
Bubba Oh: “May it death please Supay!”
Bubba Oh: Raises his hands
Bubba Oh: “Tapirapé! May the new year bring us prosperity!”
Bubba Oh: The elder leaves the dais

Bubba Oh

Shaman Whispering Wind sacrifices the goat

Whispering Wind (Maryam Camino): Stands in front of the goat, closes eyes in a silent prayer and a shiver runs through her body
Whispering Wind (Maryam Camino): Takes a knife and holds the goats head firmly in one hand and in a decisive move, cuts the goats throat while saying, “Let the blood to flow freely onto the ground as a symbol of our offering to the gods.”
Whispering Wind (Maryam Camino): looks at the blood and says with gratitude, “May this blood satiate the soil of this jungle. We spill the blood to appease the evil spirits, so we can spread it around the jungle, as a symbol of protection and blessing.”

Whispering Wind

Summer with the goat’s blood
Atan with the goat’s liver

ATAN ‘IHΞYU (Aishe Aabye): /me takes the liver “let’s sacrifice the liver, the symbol of the spark of life” raises it in the air, offering it to the fire.
ATAN ‘IHΞYU (Aishe Aabye): /me starts praying, “O great gods of the jungle, we offer you this goat liver in humble appreciation of your benevolence. We thank you for all that you have given us and for your guidance.”
ATAN ‘IHΞYU (Aishe Aabye): “We ask for your blessings and protection for our tribe. May we continue to be prosperous, healthy, and safe. Guide us with your wisdom and provide us with the sustenance we need to thrive.”

Belleniko in a gruesome display, reading the goats intestine

Belleniko Resident: Oh Thou Who Art
 The creepiest, crawliest, chaotic creature that ever crept from a crypt;
Belleniko Resident: Oh Thou Who Art
 The terrifying, tenacious, turbulent, tumescent and tactless tumbler of temples;
Belleniko Resident: Oh Thou Who Art
 The horrifying, hideous, heart-freezing head-honcho of hangover hallucinations;
Belleniko Resident: Oh Thou Who Art
 The long-waiting, legendary, lethally lubricious liquescent lawgiver of laxative liturgy;
 Your servant call upon you!
Belleniko Resident: Oh Great Goat 
 Let me have a key from these bowels to foretell to this tribe any misfortune or nefariousness that will have to be faced this year
Belleniko Resident: She leans over the guts and starts to recognise a pattern 
 “Thank you Great Goat, with your blessing I can now interpret the loops of these intestines which reveal to me some certainties for this calendar year”

Belleniko Resident: shouts: here are the predictions
Belleniko Resident: – even during this year James will continue to say a lot of crap!
Belleniko Resident: – Belleniko will continue to use huge vegetables for sexual satisfaction as no one will dare fu…. her… especially after today’s performance!
Belleniko Resident: – In the fourth quarter of the year Regor will compare his male member with all the males of the tribe, discovering that he has the longest one of all
Belleniko Resident: – In June, Catten will be distracted again by the Lead Shaman’s Boobies and will fall into the river much to the delight of the crocodiles
Belleniko Resident: – next December Bubba will be a year older…  but how many do he have???
Belleniko Resident: – Naux will manage during an April Xoco Friday Party to pick the lock of Khaing’s loincloth, who will finally be pushed to show to the jubilant world her cute butterfly!
Belleniko Resident: – After the holidays, Maccus will recover from the shock of seeing his beloved goat killed by those wretched Tapis and will finally come out and mate with a black ram.
Belleniko Resident: Suddenly she rolls her eyes and lets out a heart-wrenching scream and breaks the connection with the Great Goat, collapsing into the bowels.


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