Every Wednesday, the tribe celebrates Naked Wednesday. It’s a day where the tribe take off their clothes to honor the gods and seekers. Often the day ends with an event and ceremony.

Here is a list with links to more interesting Naked Wednesdays we’ve held so far.

Shooting rope near Skull Cave
Walking the rope at Castara
The Tapi / Xoco Alliance
Bungee Jumping near Deep Drop
The Naked Wedding
Tire sliding down the Pyramid at Turtle Beach
Making our own necklaces at the Tapi Camp
Meeting the gods on top of Wind Temple
The Sexy Stones – At the Tapi and Xoco camp
The Naked Sack Race
Knife Throwing with Belleniko
The Balloon Race and hunt for Totems
Sacrificing a goat
Hunting Butterflies
Dyeing our hair red for Inti
Covering our self with mud and running from Crocodiles
Barrel Racing around the Amazon River