Second Life TAPIRAPÉ Tribe

The Second Life Tapirapé OOC Photo Blog

Tag: Summer (Page 1 of 2)

Carnival Flotilla 2024

Again this year, the Tapi hosted the Carnival Flotilla event. It was one of the most attended ever and the floats were more creative than ever.

Sunisa and Tytanica shared first place and our tapi Akela got 3rd place for his amazing Phoenix float. Kart deserves special mention for his very explicit float!

Akela’s Float

Akela (AkelaZayev Resident) smiles and shouts to the assembled People of the Amazon, “My float is inspired by rebirth from fire. This place, the Amazon.. and particularly my beloved Tribe, the Tapirape…. who took me in were a rebirth for me. The fire in my float is represented by countless petals, flowers and feathers gathered from the bountiful Amazon.”

He glances around at all the smiling faces, “Being new to my Tribe and the Amazon, this place is a chance at rebirth… Especially after the Trials hidden in the jungle… I feel as if I’m coming out of the ashes. I’m sure this is the case with many of the People of the Amazon who find themselves here, in this amazing, wondrous place.

Karts’ float

Kart (Kedorlaomer1966 Resident) shouts: I am a proud member of the Tapirape tribe, and we worship the true gods of the jungle. (sidelooks to sunisa )
Without fertility . there would be no humans in the jungle , no plants and no animals .
I am so deeply impressed by the gods and especially by Mama Allpa our mother, so I want to honor her here and make her happy with my decoration . My float shows the bubbling abundance of nature and the gods. The messy overflow , Mother nature gives us all day and nights

The penetrating power that permeates everything,

My costume itself shows the colorful diversity that Mama Allpa gives us and the blue of the children who are truly loved by the gods.

Whispering Wind (Maryam Camino): When Kart was asked why there was an unerected cock he answered :

Kart (Kedorlaomer1966 Resident): that unerected is mine ..he praised all day to create the puddles

Catten made a Tapi float for decoration – Sailed by Whisper

More pictures below, curtesy of Coco and Regor.

New Year Ritual

Buttercup gives her life for the tribe

Today we had the New Year ritual, where the goat, Buttercup, gave it’s life for the good of the tribe and those that visited.

It was bloody and fun as always. Thank you all who participated.

More pictures here:

Día de los Muertos Decoration

Summer has again this year decorated our camp for Día de los Muertos and it looks amazing. If you haven’t seen it yet, please go do, there are a lot of details everywhere. Also don’t forget to click the little pictures, they contain a surprise.

Updated! Summer Won the decoration contest, this is 2nd time, and well deserved 🙂

Tapi Initiation

Today was the initiation for Koku, Yew, Aisha, Aragon, Lea & Mina.

It was very festive, with a lot of speeches, and afterwards dancing at the Xoco.

Hello everyone, tapirape family, friends, thank you for being present for this important moment.

Years ago, our ancestors created in this jungle, our tribe “tapirape”, which is the oldest tribe of the jungle, conceived in the idea of freedom, and a spiritual life and rituals and help our loved ones and our allies.

Today you new tapirape you will be part of our family, and thus perpetuate our family It’s a great tradition.

It’s up to us and you now, about to dedicate yourself here to the tribe, through your efforts, your investment, your interest, for our tribe that we can continue the unfinished work of our ancestors and in the desire to defend it and promote our tribe.

Do not forget.. every time you wonder how far you can go. Just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you’ve faced, all the battles you’ve won, and all the fears you’ve overcome.

Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.


Día de los Muertos – Naked Wednesday

We started off the Día de lost Muertos month with a Naked Wednesday celebration and a jungle hunt for the icons of Poco, Pillo, Loco and Gordita. The dead Bird, Cat, Uncle and Aunt.

Sunisa found all the icons first

After a prayer the hunt started, and we finished up with Whisper and Alli, painting the icons on peoples bodies.

Here are more pictures form the event, taken by Kwanita and Catten

Naked Wednesday – Meet the Gods 2

This Wednesday people went to Wind Temple to pray to the gods after the ritual bath.

The crow awaits the gods

There was a lot of praying and a lot of response from the gods at wind temple

Naked Wednesday in Tapirape! But this time it’s more breezy

One of the oldest tribe in Amazon: Tapirape held a fun event last week. Tapirape, used to make naked dances on Wednesdays and last time they also get together to make their wishes to the God of Storm.

The way this tradition started is quite interesting. It all started one day when a troublesome Seeker came to the Tapirape camp. She made fun of the tribe and mocked them. Therefore, the tribe members couldn’t stand with this situation and started to chase the Seeker. After chasing for a while they cornered her. But then, something really horrible happened. She said that if they don’t let her go she would go to Monks and tell them to curse their tribe and curse their goats! Then they promised not to touch her. She told them to stay naked for a month to avoid having their livestocks killed. And they were compelled to accept this offer. Eventually, to ensure the welfare of their animals it was decided to continue naked ritual once a week and to dedicate the day to the Gods and the Seekers… It was the birth of a tradition. A tradition established in the name of peace.

Last wednesday they firstly gathered in the camp to perform this tradition again. Together they went down to the river, washed their bodies and cleansed themselves from dirts. Shaman Whispering told they will visit God of Storms Chaahk and asked their participants to prepare a wish. Then, when the participants got more crowded, they came to the top of the temple to meet Chaahk. Shaman knelt before the God, showed her respect, and made a wish. But God’s response was fast and more aggressive than they expected. Before they could understand what is happening, a lightning bolt struck them, and a large tornado came and blew up the entire crowd. Participants were screaming, trying to hold on to each other. And they were thrown all around. But yet they still came back to God again.
I don’t think Shaman made the God angry cause afterwards other people made their wishes too and respond was only same. Wishes were like ”Longevity and health for Tapirape tribe”, ”Golds and Pearls”, ”Curse the land and all of the people in it”, ”More cocks” and other humble wishes like these. After flying around for a while, like they never get tired; they did gather around the fire and danced to celebrate the day.

I think this is the language of the Gods. Being a ‘little’ violent. Maybe God of Storms might trying to say ”Okay, count it done.” Who knows? Watching the flow of time left to us and seeing if wishes really come true. Although it was a ‘shaky’ event, it was quite entertaining, instructive and hot. And I’m not hesitate to call this ritual ”The Joy of Amazon”.

Article from Morgana of the Amazon News Paper

Naked Wednesday – The New Year Ritual

This Wednesday we had a new year ritual. It was a lot of fun for everyone, except the poor goat! 

The Shaman dances for the goat before the ritual
Bubba gives a very profound speech.

Bubba Oh: “My Tapi Family!”
Bubba Oh: “Friends!”
Bubba Oh: “Citizens of the jungle!”
Bubba Oh: “Carnival is soon upon us! And Carnival brings the new year.”
Bubba Oh: “It has always been a Tapirapé custom to greet the new year, and honor the Gods with a sacrifice”
Bubba Oh: “To give thanks for our prosperity and to ensure the Gods favor for the comming year”
Bubba Oh: “We Tapi are obedient to the Gods, andd we have always honored them and their Seeker daughters”
Bubba Oh: “Today we offer up the healthy and well groomed goat!”
Bubba Oh: “May its strong loins please Mama Allpa!”
Bubba Oh: “May it’s well kept fur please Mama Cocha!”
Bubba Oh: “May it death please Supay!”
Bubba Oh: Raises his hands
Bubba Oh: “Tapirapé! May the new year bring us prosperity!”
Bubba Oh: The elder leaves the dais

Bubba Oh

Shaman Whispering Wind sacrifices the goat

Whispering Wind (Maryam Camino): Stands in front of the goat, closes eyes in a silent prayer and a shiver runs through her body
Whispering Wind (Maryam Camino): Takes a knife and holds the goats head firmly in one hand and in a decisive move, cuts the goats throat while saying, “Let the blood to flow freely onto the ground as a symbol of our offering to the gods.”
Whispering Wind (Maryam Camino): looks at the blood and says with gratitude, “May this blood satiate the soil of this jungle. We spill the blood to appease the evil spirits, so we can spread it around the jungle, as a symbol of protection and blessing.”

Whispering Wind

Summer with the goat’s blood
Atan with the goat’s liver

ATAN ‘IHΞYU (Aishe Aabye): /me takes the liver “let’s sacrifice the liver, the symbol of the spark of life” raises it in the air, offering it to the fire.
ATAN ‘IHΞYU (Aishe Aabye): /me starts praying, “O great gods of the jungle, we offer you this goat liver in humble appreciation of your benevolence. We thank you for all that you have given us and for your guidance.”
ATAN ‘IHΞYU (Aishe Aabye): “We ask for your blessings and protection for our tribe. May we continue to be prosperous, healthy, and safe. Guide us with your wisdom and provide us with the sustenance we need to thrive.”

Belleniko in a gruesome display, reading the goats intestine

Belleniko Resident: Oh Thou Who Art
 The creepiest, crawliest, chaotic creature that ever crept from a crypt;
Belleniko Resident: Oh Thou Who Art
 The terrifying, tenacious, turbulent, tumescent and tactless tumbler of temples;
Belleniko Resident: Oh Thou Who Art
 The horrifying, hideous, heart-freezing head-honcho of hangover hallucinations;
Belleniko Resident: Oh Thou Who Art
 The long-waiting, legendary, lethally lubricious liquescent lawgiver of laxative liturgy;
 Your servant call upon you!
Belleniko Resident: Oh Great Goat 
 Let me have a key from these bowels to foretell to this tribe any misfortune or nefariousness that will have to be faced this year
Belleniko Resident: She leans over the guts and starts to recognise a pattern 
 “Thank you Great Goat, with your blessing I can now interpret the loops of these intestines which reveal to me some certainties for this calendar year”

Belleniko Resident: shouts: here are the predictions
Belleniko Resident: – even during this year James will continue to say a lot of crap!
Belleniko Resident: – Belleniko will continue to use huge vegetables for sexual satisfaction as no one will dare fu…. her… especially after today’s performance!
Belleniko Resident: – In the fourth quarter of the year Regor will compare his male member with all the males of the tribe, discovering that he has the longest one of all
Belleniko Resident: – In June, Catten will be distracted again by the Lead Shaman’s Boobies and will fall into the river much to the delight of the crocodiles
Belleniko Resident: – next December Bubba will be a year older…  but how many do he have???
Belleniko Resident: – Naux will manage during an April Xoco Friday Party to pick the lock of Khaing’s loincloth, who will finally be pushed to show to the jubilant world her cute butterfly!
Belleniko Resident: – After the holidays, Maccus will recover from the shock of seeing his beloved goat killed by those wretched Tapis and will finally come out and mate with a black ram.
Belleniko Resident: Suddenly she rolls her eyes and lets out a heart-wrenching scream and breaks the connection with the Great Goat, collapsing into the bowels.


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