Second Life TAPIRAPÉ Tribe

The Second Life Tapirapé OOC Photo Blog

Tag: Shaman

New Year Ritual

Buttercup gives her life for the tribe

Today we had the New Year ritual, where the goat, Buttercup, gave it’s life for the good of the tribe and those that visited.

It was bloody and fun as always. Thank you all who participated.

More pictures here:

A New Tapi

Today in camp, Mina delivered a new healthy new baby, Mika, with the help of the Shaman, Kwanita and most of the tribe.

Congratulations to Mina and Kane and Mika 🙂

Jonas, Eastonia and Kai

Today was the blessing for Jonas and Eastonia’s Baby, Kai at the Tapirapé tribe.

Bubba blesses the child

Bubba Oh: “Natives! Welcome!”

Bubba Oh: “Today we are gathered to honor our river mother Mama Cocha and the blessings she brings us!”

Bubba Oh: looks around

Bubba Oh: “The Amazon river is a mighty river!”

Bubba Oh: “But is is made of many smalle rivers!”

Bubba Oh: “So it is with us natives – we are Juritos, Xocos and Tapirapé – each a small tribe, that makes up the mighty Amazon Native!”

Bubba Oh: By the grace of our river mother Mama Cocha – who is here amongs us!” points to the statue

Bubba Oh: “Two rivers have joined into one today!”

Bubba Oh: Squints at his paper “Eastonia of the Xocos”… Looks up “And my tribal brother Jonas have joined their rivers”

ɛąʂɬơŋıą clears throat.. “no, Jurito” smiles

Bubba Oh: “Mama Cocha has smiles upon them and given them a child!”

Whispering Wind shkaes head… of the jurito not xocos,  Bubba*tss tss

ɛąʂɬơŋıą giggles

Silvia: chuckles and eyes Bubba… no worries is teh age that finally catches you

Bubba Oh: *coughs* “Eastonia og the Juritos!!”

Jonas Daviau rolls his eyes biting his lips to avoid to laugh

Whispering Wind: try keep a serious face  with immense effort

Bubba Oh: Continues with out a hitch “We shall bless this child today and welcome him into our tribes!”

Bubba Oh: “From many tribes one!”

Bubba Oh: walks to the child and places his hand upon it forehead

Bubba Oh: “As an Elder of the Tapirapé I bless you child in the name of Mama Cocha! And by the power for my tribal brothers and sisters! Welcome to our tribes!”

Bubba Oh: “May you be a strong hunter, a fervent gatherer and a fisherman in the rivers of Mama Cocha!”

Bubba and Tam’s Wedding

This Wednesday Bubba and Tamlee got married at “The Naked Wedding”. It was a great and beautiful ceremony where many guests came to celebrate with the couple. 

The Happy Couple

Tamlee Watler: /me looks into Bubba’s eyes lovingly, “I promise to love and care for you, try in every way to be a good wife and worthy of your love. Always honest, always caring, always loving, kind and patient.”

Bubba Oh: looks into Tamlees eyes also very very lovingly, “And I too  promise to love and care for you, try in every way to be a good husband and worthy of your love. Always honest, always caring, always loving, kind and patient!”

Bubba Oh: whispers: “The Ringes Summer! The Rings Now!”

Tamlee Watler: And most of all, I will always be a true and loyal friend to you, the tribe and our family.

Bubba Oh: “And I shal always be a true and loyal friend to you Tamlee! And our family! “

Bubba Oh: watches the gold band slip over his finger

Bubba Oh: Takes the other ring, and places it on Tamlees finger

Bubba Oh: “Tamlee in the words of your people – With this ring I thee wed!”

Tamlee Watler: /me smiles a big smile as the ring slides over her finger, “With this ring, I thee wed!”

Bubba Oh: Blinks away a tear

Bubba and Tam
Catten and Shaman Whisper

Special Naked Wednesday

This Wednesday the Tapi and Xoco met at Muddy Water where Elle found an old labyrinth. We traversed it, avoiding lures like beds and spa’s…  After we went to Mama Allpa where we bathed, had a naked Wednesday ritual and finally a big party for our Shaman, Whispering Wind who had a birthday.