Second Life TAPIRAPÉ Tribe

The Second Life Tapirapé OOC Photo Blog

Month: July 2022

Xoco Tapi Alliance – Naked Wednesday

This Wednesday was a joint ceremony celebrating the alliance between the Xoco and Tapi tribe. Many people attended, including guests from several other tribes. 

Shaman Whisper and Chieftess Khaing

Khaing Zar (raigann): Sisters and brothers, we, the Chieftess of the great Xoco Tribe and Whispering Chief Shaman of the vibrant Tapirape Tribe, together with our priestesses, come together at this time to celebrate and thank the gods for the unbreakable love and friendship we bear for one another that has spanned the years and stood against all diversity.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): As the breasts of our leaders touch each other in love, we all also stand firmly loyal and true to each other, to the Xoco Chieftess and to the Chief Shaman of the Tapirape and to our respective Tribal Councils and Elders, brothers and sisters. We will continue and renew our care for each other and serve the cause of native peoples to the honour of our gods and our ancestors.
Khaing Zar (raigann): Oooohhh!!
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): hugs khaing the xoco chieftess tight
Khaing Zar (raigann): Mmmm… kisses Whistering’s cheek
Khaing Zar (raigann): This is a time of celebration, a time of renewal, when the Sun God, Lord Inti renews and casts again, the great golden glow of his light and warmth upon the forests and mountains. And his consort, Mama Quilla, renews the soft light and relaxing coolness of the evenings.
Khaing Zar (raigann): We must also renew our spirits and determination to overcome all obstacles in out tribal life in the interests of our common good as Tapirape and Xoco, standing together to honour our ancestors
hispering Wind (maryam.camino): From above, in the House of Heaven
 Where Mama Quilla, star people and ancestors gather
 May their blessings come to us now
Khaing Zar (raigann): From below, in the House of Earth
 May the heartbeat of the Lost Goddess at her crystal core
 Bless us with harmonies to end all war

Khaing Zar

Initiation for Atan, Jonas and Tichi

It was a great initation ceremony for Atan, Jonas and Tichi. New decoration and a great speech from our elder bubba.

Jonas, Tichi and Atan listening to the Shaman

Bubba Oh: Coughs and ruffles the papers and puts on his glasses…
Bubba Oh: “Ahem…”
Bubba Oh: “Uhnnn…”
Bubba Oh: “Welll Young Tapis!”
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): looks fascinated to bubba spectacles
Bubba Oh: Squints at the greasy papers and then says with his best politicians voice…
Bubba Oh: “Three score years ago our ancestors brought forth in this jungle, a new tribe, conceived in the idea of freedom, and dedicated to the smoking of hemp leaves.”
Bubba Oh: Looks at the Shaman and Summer…
Bubba Oh: “Now we are engaged in in bringeing forth a new generation of Tapirapé, to test whether our tribe, our family so conceived and so dedicated, can endure.”
Bubba Oh: Smugly looks at the new Tapis…
Bubba Oh: “We have come to dedicate you – young souls to this great tradition. To sanctify you before our almighty mother Mama Cocha our mother river.”
Tichi’Una (tichiuna.skydancer) smiles at Bubba.
Bubba Oh: “The mother river, who has always encircled this land, this land from which we spring.”
Bubba Oh: “But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate—we can not consecrate—we can not hallow—this ground. Our ancestors, our dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. “
Bubba Oh: Bubba now looks VERY satisfied with his oratorical ability!
Bubba Oh: “The jungle will little note, nor long remember what I – poor elder – say here, but it can never be forgotten what our ancestors did here. For they ARE the jungle itself!”
Bubba Oh: “Yet it is for us the living, for you about to dedicated here to the tribe, to work this unfinishable work which our honered ancestors have started – and which we – your elders – humbly try to advance!”
Bubba Oh: “And this brings me to Mama Cochas daughter Mama Quilla, patron of you Tapirapé women and of the institution of marriage.”
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): nods vehemently
Bubba Oh: He shakes his head as if he lost the thread of his words… Shakies his head and ruffles the papers…
Bubba Oh: “But this is the Amazon, so not long will I dwell on the subject of marriage – for its importance is given, but instead I must turn my attention to Mama Allpa, and the deed of fornication, for fornication is what will advance our tribe, and when fornicating, you must always endeavour to preserve the pure native blood of the Tapirapé tribe – you shall not! must not! soil your loins – like a certain other tribe, that shall go unmentioned!”
Bubba Oh whispers: “Did I really write that Shaman?!”
Bubba Oh: Picks himself up…
Bubba Oh: “And so, when join – join not only in the huts! Join on the land – in the river against the trees! That you may please the Gods of the jungle, make the tribe greater bring fertility – like the priest of the Tapirapé you are about to become!”
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): blinks impressed with the wisdom of the elder
Catten Carter: laughs loud and wipes tears, then applauds, “best speech ever bubba”
Tichi’Una (tichiuna.skydancer) stifles a laugh, covering her mouth.
Summer (summergentlewhisper) smiles..”awesome “
ATAN I’HΞYU (aishe.aabye) raises an eyebrow and smiles
Bubba Oh: Looks very VERY satisfied with himself there – as he folds up the papers
Bubba Oh: “And Now You are proper Tapis!”
MansooR RedChilli (mansoor50): heck…bubbah is the only honest politicna i know
Catten Carter: applauds, “well done bubba!”
Bubba Oh whispers: “Catten what doesd ‘fornicate’ mean?”

Bubba Oh