By Mefisto

Look at the fire for a moment

He clarifies his voice “Goethe, I never imagine that after writing Fausto his demon Mephistofeles will stay among humans learning from his fears” laughs

In the heart of the Amazon, in an isolated village, the Day of the Dead took on a unique twist. Mephistopheles, the mischievous demon, had found an unexpected corner to spend this magical and colorful celebration. Although he was not a benevolent spirit, curiosity had led him to explore the mystery surrounding this ancient tradition.

The village, shrouded in lush jungle, was a place where ancient traditions blended with nature. Mephistopheles hid behind the thick leaves of the trees, observing the locals as they decorated altars with tropical flowers and offerings of exotic fruits. He was fascinated by the reverence they showed for their departed loved ones and the connection between the world of the living and the spirits.

The Village, Shroured in Lush Jungle, was A Place where ancient traditions blended with Nature. Mephistophyls Hid Behind The Thick Leaves of the Trees, Observant The Locals as They Decorat Altars With Tropical Flowers and Offerings of Exotic Fruits. He was fascinated by the reverence they showed for their departments and the connection Between The World of the Living and the Spirits.

As he glided among the trees, Mephistopheles noticed that one of the altars stood out for its opulence. It was the altar of an elderly shaman, Dona Isabella, who had been a powerful healer in life. Offerings of bright flowers and mysterious herbs adorned her altar, and Mephistopheles couldn’t resist the temptation to approach.

At that moment, Dona Isabella appeared, an elderly yet majestic figure with eyes full of wisdom. Surprisingly, she noticed Mephistopheles’ presence, as if her spiritual abilities went beyond the ordinary. Fearlessly, she turned to him and offered a friendly smile.

“Mephistopheles, you have come to a place of great power and mystery on this sacred day,” Dona Isabella said. “If you wish to join our celebration, you must respect our traditions and show reverence for our departed.”

Intrigued by this unexpected invitation, Mephistopheles agreed. Dona Isabella taught him to create a special offering for the spirits: a necklace made of flowers and herbs with magical properties that would allow spirits to cross between the worlds. Instead of his typical mischief, Mephistopheles found himself creating with seriousness and devotion.

Night fell over the Amazon, and the sound of drums and shamanic songs filled the air. The flickering lights of fireflies mingled with the glow of candles on the altars. The magical energy of the place filled the air as the spirits of ancestors descended to join the celebration.

Mephistopheles, with his magical necklace, became a link between the world of the living and the world of the spirits. He witnessed the joy and love with which the locals shared their stories and memories with their departed loved ones. As the night progressed, he felt a strange warmth in his cold demon heart.

When the celebration reached its climax, Dona Isabella thanked Mephistopheles for his respect and devotion. She assured him that this night of celebration had shown him a deeper and more beautiful aspect of humanity. Grateful for the experience, Mephistopheles disappeared into the jungle, taking the magical necklace as a memento of that magical and colorful night in the Amazon.

Caten asked me when I arrive at the tribe today because of a deep sigh, I really do not know that I have lived so much experience in mefistofels or the in my body, everything is confused when I think about it and the day of the dead wake up nostalgia for a pit for a pit Burning in the underworld where they are all this souls that return to us today, smiles thanks for listening