Second Life TAPIRAPÉ Tribe

The Second Life Tapirapé OOC Photo Blog

Tag: Whispering Wind (Page 2 of 2)

Bubba and Tam’s Wedding

This Wednesday Bubba and Tamlee got married at “The Naked Wedding”. It was a great and beautiful ceremony where many guests came to celebrate with the couple. 

The Happy Couple

Tamlee Watler: /me looks into Bubba’s eyes lovingly, “I promise to love and care for you, try in every way to be a good wife and worthy of your love. Always honest, always caring, always loving, kind and patient.”

Bubba Oh: looks into Tamlees eyes also very very lovingly, “And I too  promise to love and care for you, try in every way to be a good husband and worthy of your love. Always honest, always caring, always loving, kind and patient!”

Bubba Oh: whispers: “The Ringes Summer! The Rings Now!”

Tamlee Watler: And most of all, I will always be a true and loyal friend to you, the tribe and our family.

Bubba Oh: “And I shal always be a true and loyal friend to you Tamlee! And our family! “

Bubba Oh: watches the gold band slip over his finger

Bubba Oh: Takes the other ring, and places it on Tamlees finger

Bubba Oh: “Tamlee in the words of your people – With this ring I thee wed!”

Tamlee Watler: /me smiles a big smile as the ring slides over her finger, “With this ring, I thee wed!”

Bubba Oh: Blinks away a tear

Bubba and Tam
Catten and Shaman Whisper

Hats Increase Sexuality!

Bubba and Tamlee came to camp wearing hats and slippers.. The word in camp is that wearing hats and slippers has an effect close to the one you get form having your cock painted blue… Let’s hope we don’t all get lice again!

Special Naked Wednesday

This Wednesday the Tapi and Xoco met at Muddy Water where Elle found an old labyrinth. We traversed it, avoiding lures like beds and spa’s…  After we went to Mama Allpa where we bathed, had a naked Wednesday ritual and finally a big party for our Shaman, Whispering Wind who had a birthday. 

Fishing Week – Day 6

The sixth day of Fishing Week the Shaman painted the men of the tribe and friends blue for increased stamina, virility and fertility. 

Bubba speaks to the men

Bubba Oh: Taps his foot impatiently….

Bubba Oh: shouts: *Clears his throat loudly*

Bubba Oh: “Tapirape men! Today is your day!”

Bubba Oh: “On the first day the women dances for Mama Cocha! But today you will become servants of Mama Allpa!”

Bubba Oh: “For what is the use of traditions and customs – if we not make children to carry them on?!”

Bubba Oh: “To day your cocks will become blessed tools for fertility!”

Bubba Oh: “May they find their home in a woman, so that the tribe will have new children! A new generation to carry on out greatness!”

Bubba Oh: “Blessed be Mama Allpa and her maid servants today – who will bless our cocks!”

Bubba Oh: “Let the ritual begin!”

Bubba oh

Festa dos Namorados

Alli and Adam invited the whole jungle to celebrate their marriage and love at Festa dos Namorados. Here is a few pictures and the stories everyone told.

Alli and Mark welcoming all and telling their story

Alli Setner-J (alliah.jewell): Welcome to the Love festival, brothers and sisters from all tribes in the Amazon River Basin,  and all guests and non-natives of the larger world.  We give special homage to Mama Cocha today..and all her wonderful deeds that we witness this time of year, at the zenith of the Sun cycle….
Alli Setner-J (alliah.jewell): Smiles at the crowd assembled at this Love festival and begins, ” I first met Adam on the banks of the river, when he approached me and we exchanged the pleasantries of the day.  He invited me to sit with him, and I did, but only very briefly, as Adam was in a frisky mood ……winks……and I was not.!  Several weeks passed, and we again met at the clearing as I was there advertizing the coming Carnival events…….I was dressed in my festival costume……all flowers and feathers…..(.grinning at the remembrance..)…!  Adam stayed there with me, far past the time of receiving Festival information from me……we got to know something of how we both came to be in the Amazon.
ADAM.SETNER (mark.skydancer): He smiles at the crowd gathered at this festival of love. “I met Alliah walking along the river bank, I was going to fish as we met every day and I joked with her telling her how beautiful she was, I invited her to sit with me on the nearby log. ….she looked at me and smiling I accept “but only a few minutes she told me” I was thoughtful and we talked for a few minutes behaving like a gentleman because she had something special that captivated me… we said goodbye, a few weeks passed and we met again in el Claro de Gallivant, she was beautiful with her flowers…. with the excuse of asking for information, we spent an hour talking and I dared to ask her for a kiss…. she gave it to me and that’s when I knew that I was already in love with her, even though I was dating another woman.
Alli Setner-J (alliah.jewell): : Fast forward to a time when I came across Adam, another woman, and a seeker….The seeker was engaged in a serious conversation with them, when I burst on the scene, and rather rudely interrupted them……causing the seeker to forcefully correct my behavior…… I was soo embarrassed that I hid in the shadows while Adam continued to answer the seeker’s questions…..From my hiding spot I witnessed both Adam and the woman with him get a blessing…..and it was a wonderful thing to see…..In a  boat, I passed them by and Congratulated their achievement……with great glee….
ADAM.SETNER (mark.skydancer): The next time we met was the day a seeker was talking to me and my partner… and at that moment she inadvertently interceded for me, and was being scolded by this seeker… That distracted me so much that I couldn’t focus on anything but her wonderful eyes… I also recognized her breasts (with some embarrassment…). That day I realized her love for me. I let her go to her tribe but I was already bound to her in spirit.
Alli Setner-J (alliah.jewell): As I sat by the Tribe’s firepit, I witnessed  Adam asking the Tapirape shaman for the woman’s hand in marriage…  and  he was given the task of delivering a young herd of goats to the Tribe to seal the commitment…….a few days later, I again talked to newly engaged Adam when the Tribe was on holiday at the shore…….but there were problems developing with the couple…..they weren’t getting along .  The particulars, I did not know .
ADAM.SETNER (mark.skydancer): So I made the decision to break up with my partner at that time …. It was clear to me that the one I loved was Alliah I asked her to be a couple she accepted and made me very happy on impulse I proposed to marry her in secret … but to honor her I asked the shaman in marriage whispering and arranged the payment of 15 young and healthy Argentine goats. I was forgiven by not being whipped for kidnapping a Tapirape.
Alli Setner-J (alliah.jewell): : In the complicated ways that love blooms, growing and flourishing and other times. fading…… Adam broke off the engagement, and the love between the two of us continued to grow…. …to the wonderful day, when we privately married each another, with only ourselves as witness…
ADAM.SETNER (mark.skydancer): And now our Jurito and Tapirape tribes are sisters and even more so when our baby is born….. the first between a jurito and a tapirape ….. dear friends. brothers and sisters, Love always prevails.  If you love, fight for the person you love and so the world will continue to grow….. long live the jurito, long live the Tapirape and long live the united Amazon. Thank you for joining us. Be happy and love each other.
Alli Setner-J (alliah.jewell): Nervously smiles at the crowd, and hopes  they were understood……winking at Adam with Great love….

Alli and Adam

Whispering Wind telling about her love for the tribe and Catten

Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): As a shaman of the tapirapé tribe i have blessed and seen love happen around the fire and  everywhere in our blessed camp.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): I remember Beda and Red  a love that transcends language, … Violani and Lou a sweet love that i watched grow stronger,  Mandy and Bruce … this was the first wedding i made in tribe,  Villa and  Shivani  a love that changed their lives….  Dom and Kwanita a love full of passion,
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): Summer and Atan a love that seems so right  they fit so well together, Regor and Coco  love  between best friends where they care so much for each other,  then Dyani and James a naughty love that started in front of my eyes in  playful manner…
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): and in this party we celebrate the  love between   tapi Alli and jurito Adam and … i am sure many more will happen * smiles*   and there is me and Catten.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): Being in love is a gift from  the gods because what you feel is  intense and seems you always want more… because  it is so good.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): To be in love and have someone to love and share your life with, makes your life more worth and all around you has a special purpose.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): I am blessed and lucky for my husband, since I met him it was like being born again, but this time in a world full of sun and warmth.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): My life with Catten  is full and everyday I urge to wake up to a new day next to him..
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): So many years together and he still takes my breath away when he looks into my eyes or when he hugs me
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): My love and feelings instead of fading with time, they  increase and strengthen with each passing day.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): Looks at Catten * you so often say when I do some hard work or big tasks :” the Latin fury”
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): but is not  neither because of being latin or fury… but  as  I always do the things for you,  I get this  strength and determination  that only love can give.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): And in this Festa dos Namorados  I ask the help of the  Portuguese poet of the VI century, Luis de Camões,  who wrote this about love:

Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): Love is a fire that burns unseen,
 a wound that aches yet isn’t felt,
 an always discontent contentment,
 a pain that rages without hurting,
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): a longing for nothing but to long,
 a loneliness in the midst of people,
 a never feeling pleased when pleased,
 a passion that gains when lost in thought.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): It’s being enslaved of your own free will;
 it’s counting your defeat a victory;
 it’s staying loyal to your killer.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): But if it’s so self-contradictory,
 how can Love, when Love chooses,
 bring human hearts into sympathy?

Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): looks at catten* I love you my husband and thank you for all you have and given me and for all you  you give me everyday.

Whispering Wind

Catten Carter: smiles all moved,  “thank you for that sweet story princess. You made me all moved. I’ve written a small poem for you as well”
Catten Carter: finds a piece of paper and holds it out with hands trembleing a bit, then winks to whisper and starts reading

Catten Carter: “Love is seeing you laugh, 
 That sparkle in your eyes,
 even if just for a while.
 I think the gods have sent you,
 so I could see you smile.”
Catten Carter: “Love is feeling your pain,
 it is watching you cry,
 and hurting when you do.
 I think the gods have sent you, 
 so I could help you through. “
Catten Carter: “Love is feeling safe 
 Knowing you’ll forgive me
 For the stupid things I said
 I think the gods have sent you,
 so I wouldn’t be afraid.”
Catten Carter: “Love is a passion 
 It’s when we both are naked
 And I hear you moan.
 I think the gods have sent you, 
 so I wouldn’t be alone.”
Catten Carter: “Love is contemplation
 Knowing I belong to you,
 The shaman of my life
 I know the gods have sent you
 so you could be my wife.”

Catten Carter

Many attended to tell and listen to their stories

Coco (jemila.charron): Hello everyone
Regor (regor1955): looks around shyly a bit nervouse
Coco (jemila.charron): Each person in the universe needs love, to be loved. Love is somethings not able to be characterized by words. Love is about growing together, learning of the other person and accepting each others flaws, Love truly is being patient. All cultures  define love in many ways, some motivated by animal instinct and deep passion,
 Along the way in our lives we have all fallen in love , and that feeling of struggling to even breathe , those wild butterlies in your stomach and never wanting to be parted,  Meeting that one person who your  soul just loves and adores.  Love is blessed by the Gods
Coco (jemila.charron): —-
Coco (jemila.charron): —–
Coco (jemila.charron): Our love
 Eyes locked at that first meeting and breath taken at the surprise
 Our souls loving 
 Our eyes seeking
 Our unspoken words seeming to leave an open space inside
 I knew I wouldnt ever stop falling in love with you
 believing we are  fated to do the things we’d choose 
 And I know , and you realised that
  I’d choose you in a hundred lifetimes
 In a hundred worlds in all the ways imaginable
 In any version of reality
 I’d find you and choose you above all others
 You are my hearts joy, my solace , my perfect love. ny best friend
 my Sun & Stars
Coco (jemila.charron): thank you for letting me say something


Regor (regor1955): clears trought looking across at the one he loves more than air he breaths
Regor (regor1955): Love (what is love)
 Love is like a flower that will grow when nurtured over time. love is not rushed.
Regor (regor1955): love means never need to say im sorry, for true love its known just looking at each others eyes the gate to ones soul, love is caring about another and their needs unselfishly more than yourself and to protect them always from any harm. love is when you see this one person you face and heart smile together, inside are butterflies in belly and shivers when kiss. love is needing or wanting no one else but that person near you always in good and bad times. love is missing that special one when gone and running to each others arms when returning, kissing and hugging madly.
Regor (regor1955): My Love story:
 One day, I saw a vision of a girl so beautiful that come to visit me in the jungle the dr daughter Coco from the home in city I grew up when taken as a young boy from amazon, I said hi, she said hi back there was a magic that happen with just that, together we planted the seed of love that very day. Very soon after with a lot of pursuing her she became… My Moon, My lover, My Girlfriend, My Best Friend. and that flower of love has grown and grown more each and everyday.
Regor (regor1955): “Coco I will dry your tears and kiss them away, when your happy I will laugh with you, we will dance in the rain to make and share memories only we can make and carry them for eternity. your always in my heart ♥ and mind, you always make my face and heart smile. I love you beyond words Coco my moon.”
Regor (regor1955): thanks all for listening to my story of me and coco


KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): prepared this together
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): Dominic is me, we saw each other for the first time at camp tapi, when he came to see Dyani get painted, I greeted him when he arrived, but I didn’t know yet at that time that he would be the man of my life
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): we were talking about the tapi tribe, I asked him if he wanted to become a tapi, we discussed this and that, told me that everyone is nice here, we parted, and another day we crossed paths he asked me as a friend
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): we spent time together hunting, picking fruit, I even taught him to cook, we were good together, we got closer and closer; everything was going for the best
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): our story almost didn’t happen because a person said things about me, calling me a “bitch” when I didn’t know this person, I hadn’t even seen or spoken to him, when I knew that I I called” and asked why he was saying that, so the woman he was with at that time came to tell me and was talking about Dominic too, this girl then left him, bad talker
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): Ominic and I were talking and the sister who spoke to me told me that Dominic was good, feeling sad about what they had just done to me and saying, we continued to see this anyway, that didn’t work. that the closer we get, love is stronger than anything
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): and one evening when the camp was empty he kissed me, we ended up in my hut, and I leave you the crispy details
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): A short time later the tribe was organizing the barrel race on the river, he came to do it with us and that day it was a surprise for me, in front of the whole tribe we stood up, he asked the shaman if he can ask me for my hand, after his a
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): okay, he did it on his knees in front of me and the whole tribe present
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): ᴅᴏᴍɪɴɪᴄ ɴɪɢʜᴛsʜᴀᴅᴇ (domolonlabe): drops to one knee taking Kwanita’s hand in looking up into her beautiful eyes ” softly saying Darlin you make my heart beat out of my chest you are my everything i cant think of a day with out you by my side will you make the luckiest and the happiest man in the world and be my wife
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): kwanita: look at domonic with a lot of emotion, “it’s a total surprise for me my heart, you’ve made my heart beat too since we’ve been together, I also want my heart to be next to you all the days that will follow you make me very happy with your request, I love you and I say a big YES”
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): and yesterday we said yes in front of the shaman and the elders and the whole tribe and the friends and were blessed by the gods, for our union and from our union a little child will be born soon
KWANITA NIGHTSHADE (tyria06): here is our story


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