Second Life TAPIRAPÉ Tribe

The Second Life Tapirapé OOC Photo Blog

Tag: Wednesday (Page 2 of 2)

Naked Wednesday

This Wednesday was the 11th naked Wednesday since we started. As usually we had our naked bath and then we told a story, together. 

Tapi’s gather for another naked Wednesday

“Once upon.. in ancient times… two natives, a young man and woman, were walking down the road to their camp, wearing their finest clothes. They smiled sweet smiles at each other, as new lowers do, when suddenly from out of nowhere jumped a giant jaguar…”

“wweell, being so sstartled by the giant jaguar they gasped in fright the young man looked quick to the wwoman and ssaid *ddon’t run, qquick hide behind that rock ccropping, maybe t ccan’t get us* they hid but not before the jaguar paw came out and tore their new ffine clothes to shreds”

They hear screaming from th forest as a tribe of men come into view , scaring the great cat off. Knocking the man unconscious they scoop up his love and head back into the jungle.

“The men have not dragged the young woman far, but into a clearing… Paralyzed with fear she looks at them, and they look at her with hungry eyes… ‘You were no be a morsel for the cat’ one of them says ‘but now you are a morsel to us!'”

The woman cowered with fear at first but in her fear rose her strength. Just then, she heard a rustle from the bushes and crashing through them, with blood running down his face, is her fierce lover racing to save her. Oh, and he’s brought a big stick with him!

she shakes off her fear and stands proudly showing her body to distract the men she shouts  ” You will not have me,  I will not yield to you ” as she looks over their shoulders at her love approaching

A great male lion comes, makes male noise and with an open mouth attacks the men fighting

The man with the stick recognized the lions from the flyer of the Carnival that the Resort was putting together, so he snapped the stick in half over his knee and tossed it to her, running to help them men in hopes that the Lions make it out alive with them.

like an inner voice, a jaguar steps to help and saves the two from the cruel clutches of the two men who were already greedily planning their pleasures with the girl… the jaguar’s claws drilled deep into the flesh of the two attackers and adorned them with spurting blood their faces,.. thankfully the two nodded to this spiritual animal and bowed to its rescue and noticed how closely mother nature loved and protected the people of the jungle

“meanwhile the young man wounds and the woman sketches the lion devouring the attackers, taking advantage of sneaking into the jungle, the young woman supporting her companion, both naked, having nothing left on them, they heard in the distance the roar of the lion, try to catch their breath” 

so they run away and cross the river swimming naked to head to their camp,,, there was a small island in the middle so they stopped to rest  , the sun was hot and warmewaves, d their bodies  so they  started to touch each others bodies .. after all they needed to let go of the stress..

The naked Wednesday Participants

It was a fun exercise in story telling and I’m sure the next one will be even better. 

Naked Wednesday 9

The 9th Naked Wednesday we were in the Tapi camp and made Muiraquita amulets to help protect us and guarantee the success of the fishing week to come. The necklaces was made by finding stones in the river and then shaping them.

Xoco Tapi Alliance – Naked Wednesday

This Wednesday was a joint ceremony celebrating the alliance between the Xoco and Tapi tribe. Many people attended, including guests from several other tribes. 

Shaman Whisper and Chieftess Khaing

Khaing Zar (raigann): Sisters and brothers, we, the Chieftess of the great Xoco Tribe and Whispering Chief Shaman of the vibrant Tapirape Tribe, together with our priestesses, come together at this time to celebrate and thank the gods for the unbreakable love and friendship we bear for one another that has spanned the years and stood against all diversity.
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): As the breasts of our leaders touch each other in love, we all also stand firmly loyal and true to each other, to the Xoco Chieftess and to the Chief Shaman of the Tapirape and to our respective Tribal Councils and Elders, brothers and sisters. We will continue and renew our care for each other and serve the cause of native peoples to the honour of our gods and our ancestors.
Khaing Zar (raigann): Oooohhh!!
Whispering Wind (maryam.camino): hugs khaing the xoco chieftess tight
Khaing Zar (raigann): Mmmm… kisses Whistering’s cheek
Khaing Zar (raigann): This is a time of celebration, a time of renewal, when the Sun God, Lord Inti renews and casts again, the great golden glow of his light and warmth upon the forests and mountains. And his consort, Mama Quilla, renews the soft light and relaxing coolness of the evenings.
Khaing Zar (raigann): We must also renew our spirits and determination to overcome all obstacles in out tribal life in the interests of our common good as Tapirape and Xoco, standing together to honour our ancestors
hispering Wind (maryam.camino): From above, in the House of Heaven
 Where Mama Quilla, star people and ancestors gather
 May their blessings come to us now
Khaing Zar (raigann): From below, in the House of Earth
 May the heartbeat of the Lost Goddess at her crystal core
 Bless us with harmonies to end all war

Khaing Zar

Naked Wednesday

Naked Wednesday! The first of many Wednesdays where the Tapi will celebrate the gods and seekers by a serious of events, starting each time with a ritual bath

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