Second Life TAPIRAPÉ Tribe

The Second Life Tapirapé OOC Photo Blog

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Tribe meeting

Today was the 2nd tribe meeting of this year. Due to unforeseen circumstances, there has been a delay in meetings so it was good seeing so many come and participate. A summery will be sent out to the group.

Carnival Flotilla 2024

Again this year, the Tapi hosted the Carnival Flotilla event. It was one of the most attended ever and the floats were more creative than ever.

Sunisa and Tytanica shared first place and our tapi Akela got 3rd place for his amazing Phoenix float. Kart deserves special mention for his very explicit float!

Akela’s Float

Akela (AkelaZayev Resident) smiles and shouts to the assembled People of the Amazon, “My float is inspired by rebirth from fire. This place, the Amazon.. and particularly my beloved Tribe, the Tapirape…. who took me in were a rebirth for me. The fire in my float is represented by countless petals, flowers and feathers gathered from the bountiful Amazon.”

He glances around at all the smiling faces, “Being new to my Tribe and the Amazon, this place is a chance at rebirth… Especially after the Trials hidden in the jungle… I feel as if I’m coming out of the ashes. I’m sure this is the case with many of the People of the Amazon who find themselves here, in this amazing, wondrous place.

Karts’ float

Kart (Kedorlaomer1966 Resident) shouts: I am a proud member of the Tapirape tribe, and we worship the true gods of the jungle. (sidelooks to sunisa )
Without fertility . there would be no humans in the jungle , no plants and no animals .
I am so deeply impressed by the gods and especially by Mama Allpa our mother, so I want to honor her here and make her happy with my decoration . My float shows the bubbling abundance of nature and the gods. The messy overflow , Mother nature gives us all day and nights

The penetrating power that permeates everything,

My costume itself shows the colorful diversity that Mama Allpa gives us and the blue of the children who are truly loved by the gods.

Whispering Wind (Maryam Camino): When Kart was asked why there was an unerected cock he answered :

Kart (Kedorlaomer1966 Resident): that unerected is mine ..he praised all day to create the puddles

Catten made a Tapi float for decoration – Sailed by Whisper

More pictures below, curtesy of Coco and Regor.

Mina and Mila’s Child Blessing

Today was the blessing of Mila, Mina’s daughter in which Kart took the place of spiritfather for Mila.

Many brothers, sisters and friends of the tribe came to withness and help celebrate and after the blessing, the tribe witch, Belleniko, treated everyone to relaxing blindfolded goat water dance..

More pictures here:

Mojo Mercenary

The tribe has employees Micke as the Tribe Mercenary, after Sunisa decided her time was better spent protecting the Xoco chieftess’ virginity… So far the decition has been very good and the mojo well protected and in our possession for more than in the past!

Micke in his very effective disguise.

New Year Ritual

Buttercup gives her life for the tribe

Today we had the New Year ritual, where the goat, Buttercup, gave it’s life for the good of the tribe and those that visited.

It was bloody and fun as always. Thank you all who participated.

More pictures here:

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